Ver la Versión Completa : curiosidades pelicula transformers 2....

25-Jun-2009, 15:07
yo que aun sigo con ganas de verla pero ya mero voy jejeje algunas curiosidades del film algunas de las que mas me llamaron la atencion
fuente imdb.com...:jkim: el resto aqui ... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1055369/trivia

A single IMAX shot in the movie (df250) would have taken almost 3 years to render on a top of the line home PC running nonstop. If you rendered the entire movie on a modern home PC, you would have had to start the renders 16,000 years ago (when cave paintings like the Hall of Bulls were being made) to finish for this year's premiere. :run2::run2:

If you had all the gold ever mined in the history of man, you could build a little more than half of Devastator :susto4:

Prior to shooting, Megan Fox had lost weight, so to improve her figure Michael Bay prescribed a "cake diet" for Fox to follow. Through eating mostly cake, Fox gained 10 pounds of weight within three weeks. ....puta estaba mas delgada imaginen... :jkim:

It took 140 terabytes to process the CGI for all the robots in this film :susto4:

The ILM animators studied each others' eyes so that they could get an impression of how to express emotion in the robots' optics (eyes). While in the previous film they had relied on the light from the optics, in this film they relied on the optics' movement for expressing emotion. :llanto2:

Special effects supervisor John Frazier spent seven months setting up a 1000-gallon gasoline bomb, which would be used for an explosion in the Giza Guerilla. It took longer to set up the bomb than it took to shoot the whole film. Shia LaBeouf called it "the biggest bomb ever filmed with actors in the history of cinema." :susto4: Holy Sh...!

From the roster of Transformers in this film, Michael Bay prefers the AutoboTwins; Megan Fox's favourite Transfomrer is Devastator; and Shia LaBeouf's favourite Transformer is Scalpel. :pics2:

One ILM animator's computer, while rendering Devastator, reportedly overheated and its internal circuitry melted. :diablo:

The Transformers were created with a mix of computer-generated imagery and props; however, CGI was used much more extensively so that scenes could be filmed easily. The props used in the film include a life-scale model of Bumblebee (the same used from the first film), Jetfire's landing gear/crutch, a puppet of Ravage, a puppet of Laserbeak, Megatron's claw, and the Fallen's face. :susto4:

etc etc como les digo esas fueron las que mas me llamaron la atencion....
