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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 17:22   #1
gonzy tunning
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Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

bueno solo de ver las la perrita de creeper me puse a buscar fotos de perros,sobre todo de los boxer's.q es otro perro q me gusta
y me encontre con esta page....haqui les dejo el link para q entren
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 17:33   #2
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Yo a los pitbulls no les tengo mucho miedo... pero a los rottwilers esos si me cagan de miedo
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 17:34   #3
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

El mas peligroso es el pitbull dicen a;lkjfal;sjkdf;alsjkdf;asklf;alf

Segun eh leido yo la mordida de un pitbull tiene menos PSI que la de un pastor aleman...

Este chucho cerote siempre me ha gustado, con mi pitbull, un dogo guatemalteco y un presa canario seria el pisado mas feliz!!


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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 18:00   #4
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds


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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 18:20   #5
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Interesante, me gusto el boxer y el de alaska
Quiero una mi e-bike!!!
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 18:25   #6
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

toda mi vida he tenido rottweilers, y no los cambio...

(pero no me gustan de cola larga como el de la foto )

MGGT - ILS Z Rwy 02. Lago de Amatitlán al fondo
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 19:24   #7
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

el Pastor Aleman esta allí!!!!

aqui por mi casa hay un chow chow q cada q paso casi me muerde el pizado ...... ya he pensado en darle bocado (aclaro q los animales me encantan y sobre todo los perros.... pero este si tu madre, me cago!!! )
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 19:42   #8
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

En este thread hay un vergo de info de los pitbulls, al punto de vista de los pitbulls lovers...segun esta info los pitbulls no son peligrosos:...

As I'm sure some of you know by my name, Pit bulls are my all time favorite breed. But they are so misunderstood, and are the most abused dog in all of history. So I've collected myths about them, in order to prove them wrong. I hope it helps further educate you about pit bulls.

Even though organizations like National Geographic consistently prove the pit bull myths wrong, there are still unintelligent people out there who believe them, and that really irks me.

1. Pit bulls are the most powerful breed.

FALSE, look at a huge mastiff, then look at an APBT. It's been proven many times that the mastiff has the strongest bite of any breed. Doesn't surprise me though, look at them.

2. Pit bulls have locking jaws.

FALSE, a pit bull's jaws are built the same way as any other dog breed.

3. Pit bulls can hang on with their front teeth while chewing with their back teeth.

FALSE, this lie really cracks me up. No dog is capable of that.

4. Pit bulls don't feel pain.

FALSE, of course they do! They can feel pain just like any other bully breed, but the large breeds tolerate it better than the small.

5. Pit bulls have the strongest bite per square inch than any other breed.

FALSE, the mastiff can have a bite force of up to 1,000 pounds in total, more than the pit bull. Also Rotties and German Shepherds rank above them. The Dogue De Bordeaux has the largest head and the strongest skull and bite force in the whole K-9 world. The average domestic dog has a bite force of around 320 pounds of pressure per square ince. The pit bull ranked far lower than average at 235 lbs PSI. The highest for a GSD was 238, and the highest for a Rottweiler was 328. Compare that to the highest for a pit.

6. Pit bulls attack people more than any other breed.

FALSE, most of the time people mistake other breeds as the pit bull, thus giving the breed a very bad name. A lot of times, the media actually lies about dogs that have attacked people, saying it was a pit bull when it was a lab or some other large dog. Dogs that are referred to as “pit bulls” in statistical reports actually are a variety of breeds and mixes all lumped together under the “pit bull” heading. Many people have a difficult time identifying a real pit bull anyway. The media simply wants to blame the pit bull, just like in the beginning of the 1900s, the pit bull was the nanny dog and the German Shepherd was "bad", a dog breed to be feared. The media switches dog breeds when they know absolutely nothing about them. Also important to understand is the extreme popularity of the Pit Bull and pit bull-type breeds. By some estimates, numbers-wise they are the most popular of all dog breeds. It is only logical to assume that the breed with the higher number of
individual dogs would be represented with a higher number of bites. Viewing older statistical reports for the Center of Disease Control, one will see that trends in breed popularity reflect in the number of bites attributed to a specific breed during a specific period of time. Also, the media seems to favor blaming dogs that are the most popular dog breed of the time period, because they like to sway people. It is hard to pin down, as accurate records by breed are seldom kept. Those records available show what a myth this is. Farmers Branch, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, has kept accurate records since 1980. During a 7 year period from 1980 through 1987, this is what was recorded. Total bites: 1,593. Pit bulls: 30 bites, or 1.89% of the total. Other studies tend to show the same results and because of so many mongrels that have similar features to the American Pit Bull Terrier, it seems reasonable to assume that the figures are actually much lower.

el resto alli....:
xɐɯlǝʌ ʞɔnɟxɐɯlǝʌ ʞɔnɟ
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 19:43   #9
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

puta el pastor aleman esta ahi en el 3er lugar, puta pero el mio es regalado el cerote kdksjdjsgh
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 20:38   #10
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 20:43   #11
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Thumbs down Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

pitbull (experiencia propia)

era mio mio mio... lo crie desde y me queria comer el cerote

aunq el cuate q sale en animal planet, Cesar Milian, dice q son perros q pueden convivir con cualquier persona, y q son muy buenas mascotas.

Para mascota, prefiero al boxer: por el "caracter" o "personalidad" del perro, es mucho mejor para convivir con la familia (tambien experiencia propia)

Última edición por gmontana; 31-Jan-2010 a las 20:47 Razón: ...
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 20:44   #12
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

6. Pit bulls attack people more than any other breed.

FALSE, most of the time people mistake other breeds as the pit bull, thus giving the breed a very bad name. A lot of times, the media actually lies about dogs that have attacked people, saying it was a pit bull when it was a lab or some other large dog. Dogs that are referred to as “pit bulls” in statistical reports actually are a variety of breeds and mixes all lumped together under the “pit bull” heading. Many people have a difficult time identifying a real pit bull anyway. The media simply wants to blame the pit bull, just like in the beginning of the 1900s, the pit bull was the nanny dog and the German Shepherd was "bad", a dog breed to be feared. The media switches dog breeds when they know absolutely nothing about them. Also important to understand is the extreme popularity of the Pit Bull and pit bull-type breeds. By some estimates, numbers-wise they are the most popular of all dog breeds. It is only logical to assume that the breed with the higher number of
individual dogs would be represented with a higher number of bites. Viewing older statistical reports for the Center of Disease Control, one will see that trends in breed popularity reflect in the number of bites attributed to a specific breed during a specific period of time. Also, the media seems to favor blaming dogs that are the most popular dog breed of the time period, because they like to sway people. It is hard to pin down, as accurate records by breed are seldom kept. Those records available show what a myth this is. Farmers Branch, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, has kept accurate records since 1980. During a 7 year period from 1980 through 1987, this is what was recorded. Total bites: 1,593. Pit bulls: 30 bites, or 1.89% of the total. Other studies tend to show the same results and because of so many mongrels that have similar features to the American Pit Bull Terrier, it seems reasonable to assume that the figures are actually much lower.

La mara automaticamente dice "fue un pitbull" aunque no haya sido asi, es la media la que le ah dado un mal nombre al pitbull
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 20:54   #13
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Al que menos me imaginaba ver en esta lista era al Pastor Aleman .
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 21:01   #14
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Iniciado por gts1987 Ver Mensaje
Al que menos me imaginaba ver en esta lista era al Pastor Aleman .
No esta supuestamente en el 3er lugar el pastor Aleman pue
samir ñajkfñasdfas

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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 21:10   #15
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

busca en otros lados y varian los de la lista!!!
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 23:03   #16
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds


o un boxer.. o si no un bull mastiff
No one but me can save myself, but its too late
Now I cant think, think why I should even try

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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 23:11   #17
Fuck that shit!!!!!
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

miren mucha yo he tenido desde que tengo memoria rott (4) y gracias a dios 0 problemas con uno ya que todo depende como uno los crie, ya que asi como nosotros que con bastante amor y tambien disciplina, los rott que hemos tenido hasta puros cachorros se comportan con uno y eso que ya grandes de 10años para arriba, eso si , un perro extraño o persona si se los llevo puta ya que son bien protectores.
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 23:30   #18
el foro ha muerto :(
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

yo pensé que ahí iba a estar el bull terrier
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 23:32   #19
gordo escalade
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

los doberman son preciosos
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Antiguo 31-Jan-2010, 23:34   #20
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Para mi un pittbull mucha. ese es un perro de callidad. pero para tenerlo al lado de mi hijo ahi si no. perdon pero es la vida de mi hijo y ahi no tomo riesgos.
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Antiguo 01-Feb-2010, 09:54   #21
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

yo confio al 100% en los pitbull, tengo un amigo que tiene un par de pitbulls y son un amor de perros, cariñosos y obedientes, a mi me adoran y eso q los veo con poca frecuencia.

TODOS los perros de mis demas cuates (distintas razas pequeñas y medianas) en mas de algun momento me han tratado de morder o se ponen brincones, los pitbull de mi cuate son los unicos q nunca me han tan sikiera ladrado, es mas, yo tuve un pastor aleman que me mordio el condenado cuando le fui a dar de comer una noche.
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Antiguo 01-Feb-2010, 10:10   #22
chepe GSR
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

yo confio en los rottweiller, ese perro parece adorno de casa djsfalfsa, se hecha el pizado y le podes poner los pies encima y ni se mueve jajaja, lindos los pizados. ya me dieron ganas de tener uno lastima que mucho se artan y mucho cagan dslfjalkffsdfasfs
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Antiguo 01-Feb-2010, 21:42   #23
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Re: Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

PEligrosos los boxers, no chinguen, estos perros son los mas nobles que he tenido, jamas intento morderme mi chucha.
Siempre he querido un rotweiller, pero me dan algo de mala espina, maxime ahora que mi hijo esta pequeño.
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